viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

Virtual Revolution

1. Write 4 examples of online news media.

Online journalism (, video blogs (, photo blogs ( and Forums (

2. Write examples of the impact of online news media.

New journalism is growing up, new writers of journals are starting to succeed because their opinion is spread it through the web. The people can get involved in the news too because in the web they are allowed to post and express a directly opinion and so on. The news are more faster because if everyone that see something can publish it in a faster way in the web and everyone could see them by using the internet.

3. Explain how online news media are different from traditional news media.

Is different because in the online news media you are allowed to express your point of view at the moment, it's easier for the viewer to say if they are against or not than in a traditional news media that someone have to approved your comment or not. Also the new media can be instantly scattered at the moment it happen, and in the traditional news you have to wait to the next morning to read the news.

4. Analyze the similarities between the revolution caused by the printing press by Gutenberg and by that caused by online news media.

Both inventions really help and revolutionized the world, because in the time where people don't have news and the printed paper doesn't exist, this was an amazing discovery but now that the years have passed and the technology had advanced too, we have to use other methods to spread the new faster than it was. Both are valid and they can be complemented, like in some news paper, they still have the traditional way but also they have their online news media.

5. Identify different problems that new trends in online news media could cause. Try to related them to social & ethical issues.
The reliability of the news can be damaged because as everyone can read in the web, everyone it's able to post a new. Also that if someone have a webpage that publish information, and this information is hurting the integrity of someone, the person can not injured someone because you don't know who was behind the computer. Another thing is that sometimes the online news media attempt to the security of a person because sometimes it's so explicit that expose the person to the hurt, like when an artist is seeing in some street and someone publish that and all the fans are there in minutes. The online news media double-edged sword because it can really help the society but it depends how the society wants to use it. 


jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

Trends with benefits

Analysis of Social & Ethical Issues.-

Reliability: The reliability of the social network have been affected because they didn't know if the information was real or not, it could be fake or simple rumor.

Integrity: The integrity because Pete use the video camera and his cellphone to have personal information about the rape of the girl, and because of that the image of the girl is affected. 

Security: The security because the software doesn't have any protection of all the users because everyone can post whatever they want even if they are going against of someone else. 

Privacy and anonymity: The privacy and anonymity because the network shared information of everyone without they authorization. For example the problems or the rumor that were in the network require anonymity or at least privacy but they didn't.

Authenticity: The authenticity was affected too, because you don't how its behind a user. For example in the episode they post the picture of Pete dead but it was posted it from his account that means that he didn't was.

Equality of access: In this case the access was for everyone that have the software in their phones, that means that the access was made with equality. 

Surveillance: This social ethical issue was in the episode because the people was being watch over even if they don't know about and they use the technology to follow the people for example the students didn't know that they were filmed by Pete in the school. 

Control: The software or network was out of control because everyone can post whatever they want but, Pete was the one that have more control about it because he was the one that spread all the information or rumors. 

Policies and standards: In the social network were not policies promoting the appropriate use of it. That means that they don't really have any of the standards to have a pacific social network. 

People and machines: The interaction with the students and the network (cellphone) was all the day, because everytime they want they can enter and know information about someone. The relation between technology and human in this case was dangerous because it damage the reputation of the people and the big consequence was a death.

lunes, 1 de julio de 2013


  1. What is the difference between Desktop Publishing and Word Processing software?
The word processing software main job is to allow to type an article, edit the necessary and offer some extra features like spell checkers, and simple margin and page layout features. And the Desktop publishing is like a printing press on a personal computer, you have the full control of every layout and its more professional than the word processing software.
  1. One similarity is that they are WYSIWYG. Explain.
"What You See Is What You Get" this means that the document would be exactly as you see it in the computer. Means that the display simulates the appearance and represents the effect of fonts and line breaks on the final pagination using a specific printer configuration, so that, for example, a citation on page 1 of a 500-page document can accurately refer to a reference three hundred pages later
  1. Explain why the PDF format is often used for distributing digital documents.
Because the PDF format is the most full service of all, and its better for the digital document to be saved in that format. If you use another one, the document may be changed by the format. With the PDF there is no change in the document.

  1. Fonts can be divided in three categories: serif, sans serif and script. Post an example of each font with a description of each and where it is used.