viernes, 26 de julio de 2013

Virtual Revolution

1. Write 4 examples of online news media.

Online journalism (, video blogs (, photo blogs ( and Forums (

2. Write examples of the impact of online news media.

New journalism is growing up, new writers of journals are starting to succeed because their opinion is spread it through the web. The people can get involved in the news too because in the web they are allowed to post and express a directly opinion and so on. The news are more faster because if everyone that see something can publish it in a faster way in the web and everyone could see them by using the internet.

3. Explain how online news media are different from traditional news media.

Is different because in the online news media you are allowed to express your point of view at the moment, it's easier for the viewer to say if they are against or not than in a traditional news media that someone have to approved your comment or not. Also the new media can be instantly scattered at the moment it happen, and in the traditional news you have to wait to the next morning to read the news.

4. Analyze the similarities between the revolution caused by the printing press by Gutenberg and by that caused by online news media.

Both inventions really help and revolutionized the world, because in the time where people don't have news and the printed paper doesn't exist, this was an amazing discovery but now that the years have passed and the technology had advanced too, we have to use other methods to spread the new faster than it was. Both are valid and they can be complemented, like in some news paper, they still have the traditional way but also they have their online news media.

5. Identify different problems that new trends in online news media could cause. Try to related them to social & ethical issues.
The reliability of the news can be damaged because as everyone can read in the web, everyone it's able to post a new. Also that if someone have a webpage that publish information, and this information is hurting the integrity of someone, the person can not injured someone because you don't know who was behind the computer. Another thing is that sometimes the online news media attempt to the security of a person because sometimes it's so explicit that expose the person to the hurt, like when an artist is seeing in some street and someone publish that and all the fans are there in minutes. The online news media double-edged sword because it can really help the society but it depends how the society wants to use it. 


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