does Target use data matching on its customers? Describe the
information it uses.
achieves all the products that the customer had been purchasing and
with all that data collected they have 5 or more in common according
to a pregnancy prediction.
Applying data mining, the article states that 25 products where
identified to “predict pregnancy”. List some of these products
that the article mentions.
noticed that woman that are waiting for a baby buy things like cocoa
butter,supplements with calcium, magnesium and zinc,sanitizers, and
other types like this.
Can you think of any other reason for a person to buy these products?
Would you be offended that a company assumes that you (or a person in
your family) have a condition based on the products you buy?
I do buy this products like the cocoa butter, and supplements and
sanitizers. This products are completely normal for personal use, and
if a pregnant woman buy this it doesn't mean that every woman buying
this it's pregnant. I would not get offended if a company start
sending coupons, but it would be awkward.
How did Target’s strategy changed when it found out that people
were bothered about this?
still send coupons about pregnancy and baby stuff but mixed with other
coupons about different things like wine promotions, just to don't
freak out the client.
Write a paragraph about the benefits and disadvantages for Target.
had create a good strategy for customers because if they send coupons
to a pregnant woman when she needs them, she will definitely go buy
there. That's a point for Target but if the woman is not pregnant and
everything was just coincidence, many she will get offended for the
“non-privacy” that the company is offering her. Also this could
be in some way creepy for a woman that a company knows about their
stage, and she could demand them for privacy rights.
What conclusion can you draw from Target’s reaction to the
reporter’s plan to write this story?
didn't want to write this story. They think that if the customer
knows that he had been “followed” and “spy” they would not
want to shop there anymore, that's why they didn't want to publish
this story.
Discuss if it is acceptable or not, that social networks collect data
about their users’ interests, to enable them to sell more accurate
advertising systems. (3 paragraphs)
social network is always collecting data about their users, but
sometimes it's optional for us to put it or not. One example of this
is Facebook, you are not forced to publish everything, it depends on
you. I personally think that is acceptable, but they have the
obligation to respect the customer, if they collect data to do things
like sending coupons to a pregnant woman they have to be aware that
is not obvious.
most important thing that a company should do is to protect the
customer, if they don't expose the client everything would be fine
because they would not feel damaged. Also a company have to give the
client everything they need, in this case if a woman is pregnant and
she needs pregnant stuff, the coupons would be fine for her because
that's what she needs.
conclusion I will say that it's acceptable for me to collect data of
their users because it's a way to know them better and in some way
please the client. Both sides are wining, the company is selling more
but respecting the integrity of the client and the client is getting
what he wants.
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