Define what video editing software is and the basic hardware requirement you will need.
Application software that is apply in the post production of the film process, the application is used to edit the video in cuts and remove the parts that you don't need to. You will need the computer , CPU ,hard drives, cd room.
Describe the concepts of Capture, Shot and timeline.
Capture: to put information or pictures into a form that can be used by a computer.
Shot: a unit of action photographed without interruption and constituting a single camera view.
Timeline: The description of the time.
Explain basic features of what the software can do: arrange, special effects, enhancements rendering, titles, sounds.
Arrange is to order the shots or capture following the timeline, the special effects can be chroma key or morphing, enhancements is to improve the quality of the image in this case video, the sound is to putting in sequence with the image so they are in the same time.
Describe the special effect techniques chroma key and morphing.
Chroma keying, is a special effects / post-productiontechnique for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on color hues (chroma range). Morphing is a special effect in motion pictures and animations that changes (or morphs) one image into another through a seamless transition. Most often it is used to depict one person turning into another through technological means or as part of a fantasy or surreal sequence.
Describe the special effect techniques chroma key and morphing.
Chroma keying, is a special effects / post-productiontechnique for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on color hues (chroma range). Morphing is a special effect in motion pictures and animations that changes (or morphs) one image into another through a seamless transition. Most often it is used to depict one person turning into another through technological means or as part of a fantasy or surreal sequence.
no sources, hardware is too basic