martes, 11 de junio de 2013

Scenario 1

A photojournalist covers a war. Many of her photograph show the carnage of war including dead bodies. Because the photographs cover a large amount of blood, the newspaper would be breaking the law of their country if they printed the picture. The editor of the paper suggests altering the picture to remove the pools of blood from the ground, thus, making acceptable for printing. He argues that it is better to show some of the impact of the war (by using the altered photograph) than to show no pictures of the war at all.


*The newspaper would avoid problems with the government, modifying the image (taking away impact).
*Prevent children from being affected by seeing these "strong images".
*Avoid military families to see what happened in the war in a strong way.
* Prevent daily becoming a tabloid newspaper.
*The newspaper will not loose ethic.


*It doesn't shows the reality of the event, (the war).
* The newspaper would not bring as much attention as a tabloid by eliminating impact on the photo.


*In conclusion, we can say that it is better to remove the impact on the photo, because if they are demanded, the loss will be bigger instead of the gain, and also the ethic of the newspaper could be affected.

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