viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013
martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013
Eliza: answers based on keywords, she also make questions to see what else to say its dumbest of any other.
CleverBot: is more rude at the moment of answer the question you can see that is not a real person or its a psychotic, the design use more colors and better than Eliza but still a machine.
Exsys Expert Systems: Many of these systems are not publicly available.
START: a ‘Natural Language Question Answering System’.Web-based question answering system. Currently, the system can answer millions of English questions about places (e.g., cities, countries, lakes, coordinates, weather, maps, demographics, political and economic systems), movies (e.g., titles, actors, directors), people (e.g., birth dates, biographies), dictionary definitions, and much, much more.
Baby Rose: a web application which communicates with users in natural language. A baby robot where users can teach new words this is more used to help people,Help Rose with word associations,Teach Rose with Q & A, Help Rose with Q & A associations.
Google Translate: Translate a word or sentences in others languages.
20 Questions: the game is about answer some questions that the robots ask and the user have to answer so the computer can guest about the character.
Tic-Tac-Toe: beat the computer. What does this tell you about the nature of some games?
Connect-4: Another example of game-playing 'intelligence'.
Wheel of Emotion Attempts to predict the user's emotion based on a sentence they type.
CleverBot: is more rude at the moment of answer the question you can see that is not a real person or its a psychotic, the design use more colors and better than Eliza but still a machine.
Exsys Expert Systems: Many of these systems are not publicly available.
START: a ‘Natural Language Question Answering System’.Web-based question answering system. Currently, the system can answer millions of English questions about places (e.g., cities, countries, lakes, coordinates, weather, maps, demographics, political and economic systems), movies (e.g., titles, actors, directors), people (e.g., birth dates, biographies), dictionary definitions, and much, much more.
Baby Rose: a web application which communicates with users in natural language. A baby robot where users can teach new words this is more used to help people,Help Rose with word associations,Teach Rose with Q & A, Help Rose with Q & A associations.
Google Translate: Translate a word or sentences in others languages.
20 Questions: the game is about answer some questions that the robots ask and the user have to answer so the computer can guest about the character.
Tic-Tac-Toe: beat the computer. What does this tell you about the nature of some games?
Connect-4: Another example of game-playing 'intelligence'.
Wheel of Emotion Attempts to predict the user's emotion based on a sentence they type.
viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013
Classwork 37
- Write a short paragraph for each issue addressed by this video:
- Brain emulations is a process of "copying" a conscious mind from a brain to another storage by scanning and analyzing a real brain completely Its also called the "mind copying or mind transfer" because it transfer the same information in the brain to a it system.
- Rule-based AI is a form where the human's knowledge can get achieved. Thanks of this knowledge more people would learn new things, so this means that knowledge in people may improve. Also this means that the knowledge is going to will be provided everytime someone needs it.
- Ethics of digital minds
- Prospect of AI catastrophe.
- What are the potential benefits and risks of advanced AI?
Its very interesting the advancements of the artificial intelligence but sometimes it is not positive because it can harm the human being and make them feel not useful. The benefits can be in education, and health but also a robot can have bugs and dont do the things that he is suppossed to.
Astro Boy
Corto circuito
I robot
El robot del bicentenario
- Identify the robots and other technological gadgets shown in the video.
Robots, special machines.
jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013
Define captchas:
A captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in a computing to determine whether or not the user is human or not.
Spam bots:
A program that is used to send spam in order to help the users.
Positive impact:
Used to know if the user is human or not, and protect them from viruses or other malicius things in the web.
Negative impact:
Sometimes the captchas and spam doesn't work correctly and perjudice the properly user.
A captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in a computing to determine whether or not the user is human or not.
Spam bots:
A program that is used to send spam in order to help the users.
Positive impact:
Used to know if the user is human or not, and protect them from viruses or other malicius things in the web.
Negative impact:
Sometimes the captchas and spam doesn't work correctly and perjudice the properly user.
jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013
viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013
martes, 15 de octubre de 2013
viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013
Database – Issue: Privacy vs Security
Explain the difference between data matching and data mining.
Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information and the data matching describes the efforts of a company to compare two sets of data. The data mining is for collecting the data and make inferences about it, and the data matching is compare the data collected between each other.
Issue: security
Describe how data was lost in South Carolina tax databases.
The data wasn't lost, it was stolen by a Russian hacker. He used to hacked the financial information of all the people in the database and he sell the credit card numbers and personal information in a webpage. Depending of on the amount of money that the person have, it was the price of the information.
List the sensitive data that was lost in this security breach. How is this information going to be misused?
Credit card number
Tax returns
Debit card number
Bank number account
Social security number
Draw a conceptual map of database security breach. How is this information going to be misused?
jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013
DataBase Issue: Privacy
does Target use data matching on its customers? Describe the
information it uses.
achieves all the products that the customer had been purchasing and
with all that data collected they have 5 or more in common according
to a pregnancy prediction.
Applying data mining, the article states that 25 products where
identified to “predict pregnancy”. List some of these products
that the article mentions.
noticed that woman that are waiting for a baby buy things like cocoa
butter,supplements with calcium, magnesium and zinc,sanitizers, and
other types like this.
Can you think of any other reason for a person to buy these products?
Would you be offended that a company assumes that you (or a person in
your family) have a condition based on the products you buy?
I do buy this products like the cocoa butter, and supplements and
sanitizers. This products are completely normal for personal use, and
if a pregnant woman buy this it doesn't mean that every woman buying
this it's pregnant. I would not get offended if a company start
sending coupons, but it would be awkward.
How did Target’s strategy changed when it found out that people
were bothered about this?
still send coupons about pregnancy and baby stuff but mixed with other
coupons about different things like wine promotions, just to don't
freak out the client.
Write a paragraph about the benefits and disadvantages for Target.
had create a good strategy for customers because if they send coupons
to a pregnant woman when she needs them, she will definitely go buy
there. That's a point for Target but if the woman is not pregnant and
everything was just coincidence, many she will get offended for the
“non-privacy” that the company is offering her. Also this could
be in some way creepy for a woman that a company knows about their
stage, and she could demand them for privacy rights.
What conclusion can you draw from Target’s reaction to the
reporter’s plan to write this story?
didn't want to write this story. They think that if the customer
knows that he had been “followed” and “spy” they would not
want to shop there anymore, that's why they didn't want to publish
this story.
Discuss if it is acceptable or not, that social networks collect data
about their users’ interests, to enable them to sell more accurate
advertising systems. (3 paragraphs)
social network is always collecting data about their users, but
sometimes it's optional for us to put it or not. One example of this
is Facebook, you are not forced to publish everything, it depends on
you. I personally think that is acceptable, but they have the
obligation to respect the customer, if they collect data to do things
like sending coupons to a pregnant woman they have to be aware that
is not obvious.
most important thing that a company should do is to protect the
customer, if they don't expose the client everything would be fine
because they would not feel damaged. Also a company have to give the
client everything they need, in this case if a woman is pregnant and
she needs pregnant stuff, the coupons would be fine for her because
that's what she needs.
conclusion I will say that it's acceptable for me to collect data of
their users because it's a way to know them better and in some way
please the client. Both sides are wining, the company is selling more
but respecting the integrity of the client and the client is getting
what he wants.
viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013
2.Why is privacy important?
Privacy is important because it's your own right to be left alone. No one have the right to public their life if they don't want to. Privacy helps the people to maintain their autonomy and individuality from other people mouth.
3. What are the positive aspects of the police keeping a DNA database for suspects and victims?
The main positive thing is that if a suspect left DNA in the criminal scene, the police would already have the prove that he was the guilty one and the victim would be safe. And of course the justice would win.
4. What could be the negative aspects?
One negative aspect could be that someone that is innocent could be injure for something he didn't did just because they have samples of DNA.
5. Define data mining.
"Data mining, an interdisciplinary sub field of computer science, is the computational process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and database systems."
6. Discuss if it is acceptable or not, that social networks collect data about their users’ interests, to enable them to sell more accurate advertising systems.
Yes it's acceptable because in order to know about the user they have to be supported with data about them, this benefits the user too because the social network can help him with the needs that he have. Of course everything has to be taken with respect for the client, and given that data should be optional.The social network is always collecting data about their users, but sometimes it's optional for us to put it or not. One example of this is Facebook, you are not forced to publish everything, it depends on you. I personally think that is acceptable, but they have the obligation to respect the customer, if they collect data to do things like sending coupons to a pregnant woman they have to be aware that is not obvious.
Privacy is important because it's your own right to be left alone. No one have the right to public their life if they don't want to. Privacy helps the people to maintain their autonomy and individuality from other people mouth.
3. What are the positive aspects of the police keeping a DNA database for suspects and victims?
The main positive thing is that if a suspect left DNA in the criminal scene, the police would already have the prove that he was the guilty one and the victim would be safe. And of course the justice would win.
4. What could be the negative aspects?
One negative aspect could be that someone that is innocent could be injure for something he didn't did just because they have samples of DNA.
5. Define data mining.
"Data mining, an interdisciplinary sub field of computer science, is the computational process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and database systems."
6. Discuss if it is acceptable or not, that social networks collect data about their users’ interests, to enable them to sell more accurate advertising systems.
Yes it's acceptable because in order to know about the user they have to be supported with data about them, this benefits the user too because the social network can help him with the needs that he have. Of course everything has to be taken with respect for the client, and given that data should be optional.The social network is always collecting data about their users, but sometimes it's optional for us to put it or not. One example of this is Facebook, you are not forced to publish everything, it depends on you. I personally think that is acceptable, but they have the obligation to respect the customer, if they collect data to do things like sending coupons to a pregnant woman they have to be aware that is not obvious.
most important thing that a company should do is to protect the
customer, if they don't expose the client everything would be fine
because they would not feel damaged. Also a company have to give the
client everything they need, in this case if a woman is pregnant and
she needs pregnant stuff, the coupons would be fine for her because
that's what she needs.
conclusion I will say that it's acceptable for me to collect data of
their users because it's a way to know them better and in some way
please the client. Both sides are wining, the company is selling more
but respecting the integrity of the client and the client is getting
what he wants.
viernes, 26 de julio de 2013
Virtual Revolution
1. Write 4 examples of online news media.
Online journalism (eluniverso.com), video blogs (Youtube.com), photo blogs (Tumblr.com) and Forums (Taringa.net).
2. Write examples of the impact of online news media.
New journalism is growing up, new writers of journals are starting to succeed because their opinion is spread it through the web. The people can get involved in the news too because in the web they are allowed to post and express a directly opinion and so on. The news are more faster because if everyone that see something can publish it in a faster way in the web and everyone could see them by using the internet.
3. Explain how online news media are different from traditional news media.
Is different because in the online news media you are allowed to express your point of view at the moment, it's easier for the viewer to say if they are against or not than in a traditional news media that someone have to approved your comment or not. Also the new media can be instantly scattered at the moment it happen, and in the traditional news you have to wait to the next morning to read the news.
4. Analyze the similarities between the revolution caused by the printing press by Gutenberg and by that caused by online news media.
Both inventions really help and revolutionized the world, because in the time where people don't have news and the printed paper doesn't exist, this was an amazing discovery but now that the years have passed and the technology had advanced too, we have to use other methods to spread the new faster than it was. Both are valid and they can be complemented, like in some news paper, they still have the traditional way but also they have their online news media.
5. Identify different problems that new trends in online news media could cause. Try to related them to social & ethical issues.
The reliability of the news can be damaged because as everyone can read in the web, everyone it's able to post a new. Also that if someone have a webpage that publish information, and this information is hurting the integrity of someone, the person can not injured someone because you don't know who was behind the computer. Another thing is that sometimes the online news media attempt to the security of a person because sometimes it's so explicit that expose the person to the hurt, like when an artist is seeing in some street and someone publish that and all the fans are there in minutes. The online news media double-edged sword because it can really help the society but it depends how the society wants to use it.
Online journalism (eluniverso.com), video blogs (Youtube.com), photo blogs (Tumblr.com) and Forums (Taringa.net).
2. Write examples of the impact of online news media.
New journalism is growing up, new writers of journals are starting to succeed because their opinion is spread it through the web. The people can get involved in the news too because in the web they are allowed to post and express a directly opinion and so on. The news are more faster because if everyone that see something can publish it in a faster way in the web and everyone could see them by using the internet.
3. Explain how online news media are different from traditional news media.
Is different because in the online news media you are allowed to express your point of view at the moment, it's easier for the viewer to say if they are against or not than in a traditional news media that someone have to approved your comment or not. Also the new media can be instantly scattered at the moment it happen, and in the traditional news you have to wait to the next morning to read the news.
4. Analyze the similarities between the revolution caused by the printing press by Gutenberg and by that caused by online news media.
Both inventions really help and revolutionized the world, because in the time where people don't have news and the printed paper doesn't exist, this was an amazing discovery but now that the years have passed and the technology had advanced too, we have to use other methods to spread the new faster than it was. Both are valid and they can be complemented, like in some news paper, they still have the traditional way but also they have their online news media.
5. Identify different problems that new trends in online news media could cause. Try to related them to social & ethical issues.
The reliability of the news can be damaged because as everyone can read in the web, everyone it's able to post a new. Also that if someone have a webpage that publish information, and this information is hurting the integrity of someone, the person can not injured someone because you don't know who was behind the computer. Another thing is that sometimes the online news media attempt to the security of a person because sometimes it's so explicit that expose the person to the hurt, like when an artist is seeing in some street and someone publish that and all the fans are there in minutes. The online news media double-edged sword because it can really help the society but it depends how the society wants to use it.
jueves, 18 de julio de 2013
jueves, 11 de julio de 2013
Trends with benefits
Analysis of Social & Ethical Issues.-
Reliability: The reliability of the social network have been affected because they didn't know if the information was real or not, it could be fake or simple rumor.
Integrity: The integrity because Pete use the video camera and his cellphone to have personal information about the rape of the girl, and because of that the image of the girl is affected.
Security: The security because the software doesn't have any protection of all the users because everyone can post whatever they want even if they are going against of someone else.
Privacy and anonymity: The privacy and anonymity because the network shared information of everyone without they authorization. For example the problems or the rumor that were in the network require anonymity or at least privacy but they didn't.
Authenticity: The authenticity was affected too, because you don't how its behind a user. For example in the episode they post the picture of Pete dead but it was posted it from his account that means that he didn't was.
Equality of access: In this case the access was for everyone that have the software in their phones, that means that the access was made with equality.
Surveillance: This social ethical issue was in the episode because the people was being watch over even if they don't know about and they use the technology to follow the people for example the students didn't know that they were filmed by Pete in the school.
Control: The software or network was out of control because everyone can post whatever they want but, Pete was the one that have more control about it because he was the one that spread all the information or rumors.
Policies and standards: In the social network were not policies promoting the appropriate use of it. That means that they don't really have any of the standards to have a pacific social network.
People and machines: The interaction with the students and the network (cellphone) was all the day, because everytime they want they can enter and know information about someone. The relation between technology and human in this case was dangerous because it damage the reputation of the people and the big consequence was a death.
Reliability: The reliability of the social network have been affected because they didn't know if the information was real or not, it could be fake or simple rumor.
Integrity: The integrity because Pete use the video camera and his cellphone to have personal information about the rape of the girl, and because of that the image of the girl is affected.
Security: The security because the software doesn't have any protection of all the users because everyone can post whatever they want even if they are going against of someone else.
Privacy and anonymity: The privacy and anonymity because the network shared information of everyone without they authorization. For example the problems or the rumor that were in the network require anonymity or at least privacy but they didn't.
Authenticity: The authenticity was affected too, because you don't how its behind a user. For example in the episode they post the picture of Pete dead but it was posted it from his account that means that he didn't was.
Equality of access: In this case the access was for everyone that have the software in their phones, that means that the access was made with equality.
Surveillance: This social ethical issue was in the episode because the people was being watch over even if they don't know about and they use the technology to follow the people for example the students didn't know that they were filmed by Pete in the school.
Control: The software or network was out of control because everyone can post whatever they want but, Pete was the one that have more control about it because he was the one that spread all the information or rumors.
Policies and standards: In the social network were not policies promoting the appropriate use of it. That means that they don't really have any of the standards to have a pacific social network.
People and machines: The interaction with the students and the network (cellphone) was all the day, because everytime they want they can enter and know information about someone. The relation between technology and human in this case was dangerous because it damage the reputation of the people and the big consequence was a death.
lunes, 1 de julio de 2013
- What is the difference between Desktop Publishing and Word Processing software?
The word processing software main job is to allow to type an article, edit the necessary and offer some extra features like spell checkers, and simple margin and page layout features. And the Desktop publishing is like a printing press on a personal computer, you have the full control of every layout and its more professional than the word processing software.
- One similarity is that they are WYSIWYG. Explain.
"What You See Is What You Get" this means that the document would be exactly as you see it in the computer. Means that the display simulates the appearance and represents the effect of fonts and line breaks on the final pagination using a specific printer configuration, so that, for example, a citation on page 1 of a 500-page document can accurately refer to a reference three hundred pages later
- Explain why the PDF format is often used for distributing digital documents.
Because the PDF format is the most full service of all, and its better for the digital document to be saved in that format. If you use another one, the document may be changed by the format. With the PDF there is no change in the document.
- Fonts can be divided in three categories: serif, sans serif and script. Post an example of each font with a description of each and where it is used.
viernes, 28 de junio de 2013
Define what video editing software is and the basic hardware requirement you will need.
Application software that is apply in the post production of the film process, the application is used to edit the video in cuts and remove the parts that you don't need to. You will need the computer , CPU ,hard drives, cd room.
Describe the concepts of Capture, Shot and timeline.
Capture: to put information or pictures into a form that can be used by a computer.
Shot: a unit of action photographed without interruption and constituting a single camera view.
Timeline: The description of the time.
Explain basic features of what the software can do: arrange, special effects, enhancements rendering, titles, sounds.
Arrange is to order the shots or capture following the timeline, the special effects can be chroma key or morphing, enhancements is to improve the quality of the image in this case video, the sound is to putting in sequence with the image so they are in the same time.
Describe the special effect techniques chroma key and morphing.
Chroma keying, is a special effects / post-productiontechnique for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on color hues (chroma range). Morphing is a special effect in motion pictures and animations that changes (or morphs) one image into another through a seamless transition. Most often it is used to depict one person turning into another through technological means or as part of a fantasy or surreal sequence.
Describe the special effect techniques chroma key and morphing.
Chroma keying, is a special effects / post-productiontechnique for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on color hues (chroma range). Morphing is a special effect in motion pictures and animations that changes (or morphs) one image into another through a seamless transition. Most often it is used to depict one person turning into another through technological means or as part of a fantasy or surreal sequence.
lunes, 17 de junio de 2013
1.The compare and contrast of the raster graphic and the vector graphics is that raster graphics are composed of pixels, while vector graphics are composed of paths.The raster graphic is a combination of pixel with many colors and the vector graphic composed of paths, or lines, that are either straight or curved. Both can give color or make an image.
3. The application software that can handle vector graphic are Adobe Illustrator ,Corel Draw and Inkscape.
4. The application software that can handle raster graphic are Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Paint and Color it!
5.The advantages of vector graphics are that data can be represented at its original resolution and form without generalization.Allows for efficient encoding of topology, and as a result more efficient operations that require topological information, e.g. proximity, network analysis.
6.The advantages of raster graphics are due to the nature of the data storage technique data analysis is usually easy to program and quick to perform.The geographic location of each cell is implied by its position in the cell matrix. Accordingly, other than an origin point, e.g. bottom left corner, no geographic coordinates are stored.
7.The vector graphics rescale better because the raster images cannot be scaled up in size because they will look pixelated when printed.That's why the RASTER images have a better resolution than the VECTOR images because of the pixels.
8. One typical scenario where vector images are used is for logos.
9.One typical scenario where raster images are used is in video games, graphing calculator games, and many mobile phone games are mostly pixel art.
3. The application software that can handle vector graphic are Adobe Illustrator ,Corel Draw and Inkscape.
4. The application software that can handle raster graphic are Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Paint and Color it!
5.The advantages of vector graphics are that data can be represented at its original resolution and form without generalization.Allows for efficient encoding of topology, and as a result more efficient operations that require topological information, e.g. proximity, network analysis.
6.The advantages of raster graphics are due to the nature of the data storage technique data analysis is usually easy to program and quick to perform.The geographic location of each cell is implied by its position in the cell matrix. Accordingly, other than an origin point, e.g. bottom left corner, no geographic coordinates are stored.
7.The vector graphics rescale better because the raster images cannot be scaled up in size because they will look pixelated when printed.That's why the RASTER images have a better resolution than the VECTOR images because of the pixels.
8. One typical scenario where vector images are used is for logos.
9.One typical scenario where raster images are used is in video games, graphing calculator games, and many mobile phone games are mostly pixel art.
martes, 11 de junio de 2013
Scenario 1
photojournalist covers a war. Many of her photograph show the carnage
of war including dead bodies. Because the photographs cover a large
amount of blood, the newspaper would be breaking the law of their
country if they printed the picture. The editor of the paper
suggests altering the picture to remove the pools of blood from the
ground, thus, making acceptable for printing. He argues that it is
better to show some
the impact of the war (by using the altered photograph) than to show
no pictures of the war at all.
*The newspaper would avoid problems with the government, modifying the image (taking away impact).
*Prevent children from being affected by seeing these "strong images".
*Avoid military families to see what happened in the war in a strong way.
* Prevent daily becoming a tabloid newspaper.
*The newspaper will not loose ethic.
*It doesn't shows the reality of the event, (the war).
* The newspaper would not bring as much attention as a tabloid by eliminating impact on the photo.
*In conclusion, we can say that it is better to remove the impact on the photo, because if they are demanded, the loss will be bigger instead of the gain, and also the ethic of the newspaper could be affected.
lunes, 10 de junio de 2013
How to detect digital fakes?
Common logic
The logic is necessary to detect a fake photo, if something is utopia but it's in the photo probably had been modify.
The light conditions is different from the original photograph because it depends on the place that the photo had been taken, and if you see over brightness in a photo its probably a fake picture.
Eyes and Positions
The eyes because eyes have very consistent shapes, and if someone edit a picture the eyes get distorted from the real one's and it's easy to find out the fake.
Specular HighlightsSurrounding lights reflect in eyes to form small white dots called specular highlights. The shape, color and location of these highlights tell us quite a bit about the lighting.
The logic is necessary to detect a fake photo, if something is utopia but it's in the photo probably had been modify.
The light conditions is different from the original photograph because it depends on the place that the photo had been taken, and if you see over brightness in a photo its probably a fake picture.
Eyes and Positions
The eyes because eyes have very consistent shapes, and if someone edit a picture the eyes get distorted from the real one's and it's easy to find out the fake.
Specular HighlightsSurrounding lights reflect in eyes to form small white dots called specular highlights. The shape, color and location of these highlights tell us quite a bit about the lighting.
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